Unique, memorable moments...

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Creating an impactful campaign identity

James Hodges | Creative Director
1 min
When delivering any experience, we aim to capture the personality of the brand, whilst giving the audience a unique, memorable moment.

We executed a recent conference programme for our software banking client and zeroed in on the unique location of Dubai to inform our approach to the campaign identity.

We wanted to mirror the dynamic visual and textural qualities of Dubai as a progressive city with the positive energy and expectations of our audience. Fusing together inspiration from architecture, environmental lighting and the theatrical spectacle of the Dubai fountains, we created a motion-based identity for the programme. This became a literal and symbolic light motif, which was seeded throughout the entire event from pre-show communications across digital channels, to keynote sessions and through to celebration parties.

Unusually, we started by developing it as a full motion graphic, then worked in reverse to derive the hero image for print.

This type of approach helps create memorable moments with the audience and cements the brand through repetition and synergy.

As always planning is key to leveraging content - we always encourage our clients to think about the impact of taking an integrated approach to their experience. An experience should cut across marketing mediums and touch points to leave a lasting brand impression.

Capturing the required and expected energy of the event in our approach to identity and set design was really key and working with motion based assets from the start really helped us to achieve this.
James Hodges, Creative Director.

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